Online Trading 1816

How do I place a stock market order via 1816 ?


The "Buy" menu is used as a search engine that will offer you a list of choices based on the items inserted. The prices displayed correspond to the prices of the previous day. By clicking on "Other information on the security", you access the current price, deferred by 15 minutes. If necessary, consult the explanation concerning the different order types and limits available on for more details.

From the homepage, you have quick access to input your purchase orders, at the bottom of the screen.
You can also access the "Buy" function by clicking on your 1816 custody account number listed in the "Overview of assets" section,
The tab "Trading online 1816", also allows you to access purchase orders and to search for orders according to their status. 
To sell a position, select your 1816 custody account listed horizontally at the top of Netbanking. The list of securities held in your portfolio is displayed. Simply select the corresponding line of the security to sell and a "Sell" button will appear.  After having clicked on the "Sell" button, you simply complete the necessary fields: Stock exchange, quantity, type of limit, 1816 accounts to be debited and validity of the order.